Happy Month of love

It’s the month of love. Ratanang batho le lese go opela “ ba tla go huurda”..😅.. you are pouring water on the magic!

Anyway, let me sprinkle some spice for you. Here are some Relo Boosters…make it work guys…

They are called the…..5As……

  1. Acknowledgement:

Recognise him/her and the position they hold in your life. Make them priority. Let them feel they are number one or the King or Queen in your life. Acknowledge your beautiful choice and embrace it.

  1. Attention:

Give each other attention. Let her or him feel that focus from you. A kind of focus that says “ I am putting everything else aside and attending to only you”. I am making time for you.
I am listening should mean, “I am here with you not just physically but mentally too”

  1. Appreciation:

Let him/ her know that they mean a lot to you. Learn to say “thank you for all you do for me”, let them know how unique and special they are to you. Don’t feel entitled to recieve that love, look at it as a priviledge and effort.

  1. Affection:

Show them love beyond words and gifts. The power of touch, hug her/him, hold their hand, add to your physical intimacy, that’s the kind of connection that nurture your souls. The one you don’t share with the world.

  1. Acceptance:

Accept who s/he is, what kind of person s/he is. Know their strengths, their desires, their weaknesses and limitations and vice versa.
They are yours to nurture.

Wishing you the best love has for you. Ciao.

Love always ❤️

Published by kelly kelapile

A lady interested by various aspects of life. Taken by writing, A Psychiatrist, her passion is around mental health. A mother of 2 bambinos and 6 more.. and other more pending— it’s a sibling ❤️ . A twin sister, intriguing to many- she is the love of my life.

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